Director | VFX Supervisor

Correspondance (Surface) by Murat Adash (multi-media Art installation).

October 17, 2024

VFX artist | Compositor

Correspondance (Surface) is a multi-media installation created by artist Murat Adash, convening a textile architectural scenography, four visual-effects processed moving images played back on life-size (190cm/75inch) upright monitors, sound design and a series of activating live performances. Correspondance (Surface) interweaves embodied and digital choreographies to explore and question the boundaries between physical and virtual bodily spaces.

The four digitally manipulated moving images display life-size silhouettes of dancers who appear on the screen as intangible cinematic figures, whose fugitive movements both resist and elude the demand for recognition, detection, and identification. These “video sculptures” reconfigure the moving images as corporeal agencies that operate like virtual dancers in the exhibition space.

Surrounding the video sculptures is a textile installation based on spatial designs of “dazzle camouflage” — employing a variety of fabric panels to intervene in the given spatial structure of the exhibition space. The iridescent, shimmering quality of the fabrics invites viewers to experience the space through the interplay of (dis)appearances and reflections —creating a choreography of (in)visibility by dazzling the correspondences between the four video sculptures, which occupy the four pillars in the four corners of the exhibition space.

A series of durational live performances unfold throughout the exhibition, both activating the installation as well as leaking out into the entire museum space. These durational choreographic inquiries equally call into question notions of edges and boundaries through dazzling gestures of shimmer and camouflage — unfolding movements of ever-changing co-presences that evoke the slippery nature of “here-ness.”

Exhibited at Museum Angewandte Kunst in Frankfurt/Main in Germany.

Commissioned by the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics in cooperation with the Museum Angewandte Kunst, both in Frankfurt/Main in Germany.

The exhibition was generously supported by SAHA, Istanbul; Stiftung Kunstfonds; Neustart Kultur; BBK and Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.

Multimedia installation and activating live performances convening a large-scale textile architecture made from iridescent fabrics; four VFX-processed, digital moving images played back as seamless loops on life-size (190cm/75inch) upright monitors with sound; and a series of three durational live performances performed across the duration of the exhibition.

Behind-the-scenes and VFX breakdowns can be found in this Keynote:


VFX: Hugo Guerra
Cinematography: Arturo Bandinelli
Sound: Sophia Loizou
Scenography: KAMI BLUSCH
Fabrics: Kvadrat
Dancers in moving images: Murat Adash, Maria Ghoumrassi, J Neve Harrington, Matthias Sperling
Live performances: Co-choreographed by Murat Adash and Tarren Johnson and performed together with Katja Cheraneva and Tümay Kılınçel